
“PORIFERA_SUSPENDED TOPOLOGIES” in RE-CREATION: Thessaloniki Design Week. TIF HELEXPO. Thessaloniki.  Co-organized by the Municipality of Thessaloniki, General Secretariat for Youth, Philartia, MOMus, L’abattoir, Hellenic Design Center and +Design. (May 5-19, 2019). 

“PORIFERA_SUSPENDED TOPOLOGIES” Selected work from open invitation for THE NEW NEW: 3rd Artecitya-Art Science Technology in the framework of the Helexpo TIF Technology Art Festival – HELEXPO. Thessaloniki. In collaboration with Ioanna Symeonidou. (Sept 8-16, 2018) link, 360 video

“BRANCHING PAVILION: iBAG BIOPANEL 2018” in DESIGNING COMPLEXITY :: 6th International Conference Mongeometrija Conference. Novi Sad, Serbia (June 8, 2018). link catalogue

  “STRIP CONSTRUCTION OF RULED-BASED DESIGN”  in  7th Faberarium Workshop Exhibition. TOSS Gallery, Vilara 1, Thessaloniki. Prototypes. Collaborators: Pablo Baquero, Kalliopi Valsamidou. (Dec. 2017) Link 

“CALYCAS PAVILION” in 4th International Aluminium Technologies, Machinery and Products Trade Fair, ALUEXPO 2015. Organized by Hannover Messe Fuarcilik A.S, Deutsche Messe, Istanbul Expo Center. Collaborators: Pablo Baquero, Jaime Cavazos (Oct. 8-10 2015).

“DESIGN TO ROBOTIC PRODUCTION”::: D2RP studio. In Hyperbody Robotic Building TU Delft. V2_ Institute For The Unstable Media, Rotterdam. Coordinators: Henriette Bier, Sina Mostafavi. (July 2015) link

“EGG55” in Metropolitan London. Nickel with powering LEDs, inspired by the imperial Faberge eggs. Auctioned for charity partner, Noah’s Ark Children’s Hospice. Collaborator: Studio Waldemeyer,  London. (April 2014) link

“CALYCAS PAVILION” in 6th Faberarium Workshop Exhibition. THE BOX, Dorileou 12, Mavili Square. Athens. Collaborators: Pablo Baquero, Jaime Cavazos, Maria Mamoura. (Oct. 12 2014)  link

CALYCAS PAVILION” in Future Trends In Building Envelopes Conference. Megaron Concert Hall, Nikos Skalkottas, Athens. Collaborators: Pablo Baquero, Jaime Cavazos, Maria Mamoura. (Oct. 16 2014)

“DESIGN AND CONSTRUCT DATA TREES” in 5th Faberarium Workshop Exhibition. Toss Gallery, Vilara 1, Thessaloniki. Prototypes. Collaborator: Pablo Baquero. (May 2014)

“LADOZE”. Faberarium installation. LaDoze Bar, Vilara 1, Thessaloniki. Collaborator: Pablo Baquero. (July 2013-2017) link

“PARAMETRIC GRID STRUCTURES” in 4th Faberarium Workshop Exhibition. Toss Gallery, Vilara 1, Thessaloniki. Prototypes. Collaborator: Pablo Baquero. (Dec. 2013)

”DESIGN AND CONSTRUCT DATA TREES RELATIONS”  in 3rd Faberarium Workshop Exhibition.  Toss Gallery, Vilara 1, Thessaloniki. Prototypes. Collaborator: Pablo Baquero.  (April 2013)

”PARAMETRIC METAL STRUCTURES”  in 2nd Faberarium Workshop Exhibition. Toss Gallery, Vilara 1, Thessaloniki. Prototypes. Collaborators: Pablo Baquero, Nicos Christodoulou. (Dec. 2012)  link

”FROM ORGANIC DESIGN TO CONSTRUCTION”  in 1st Faberarium Workshop Exhibition. Toss Gallery, Vilara 1, Thessaloniki. Prototypes.  Collaborators: Pablo Baquero, Stratis Georgiou. (July 2012) link

“GOTO” in EME3. Advanced design and digital fabrication installation in real time. CCCB, Barcelona. Collaborators:  MedioDesign, Toolingroup, and LaN. (Sept. 2010)

“BIODIGITAL MASTER” in EME3. Barcelona seafront skyscrapers  ZCorp 3D printed seafront model. CCCB, Barcelona. (Sept.  2010)“BEYOND MEDIA ‘VISIONS” ::: Spot on Schools. Barcelona Seafront Skyscrapers. Bone Tower. ZCorp 3D-printed model. Stazione Leopolda, Florence, Italy. Collaborator: Mario Benavides. (July 9-17 2009).