[KGVID poster=”/video/Nicholas_lecture-poster.jpg” width=”620″ height=”420″]/video/2013—nicholas.mp4[/KGVID]
Thessaloniki, 5pm Sunday 7 april,2013
(Vacouver time 7am)
Nicholas Waissbluth
M.Arch, MAA. Authorized Rhino Trainer
Nicholas Waissbluth is an Artist and Design-Architect from Canada. He has studied and worked throughout North America and Europe and in 2010 completed his postgraduate studies at Institute for Advanced Architecture of Catalonia in Barcelona, Spain- where he collaborated on the FabLab House. Combining advanced digital tools with traditional modes of craft, his work has included gallery exhibitions, public installations, as well as research and prototyping on fabrication techniques and material exploration. In the field of architecture, Nicholas has worked in Denmark, New York, Toronto and Vancouver, and continually collaborates with various firms on multi-scaled projects.
Nicholas has a strong emphasis in exploring various digital tools and computational technique in art and architecture. He has exhibited at the Interior Design Show West [Vancouver]; the ArtCity International Art + Architecture Festival [Calgary] and the annual alternative design show in Toronto [2006+2007+2012] and Winsor Gallery [Vancouver] and has been a member of the the selection committee for the annual computation conference, Smartgeometry [Troy, NY].
Currently Nicholas is based out of Vancouver, Canada and leads uA’s research into digital media and integrated fabrication.